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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wednesday, hey


I weighed last night and i am still at 357, but the monthly visitor is here, so that is not too bad. Stevie is still Stevie. He is totally excited about visiting a floral shop tomorrow. He keeps asking if i think he is gay. I tell me him know, but somedays I wonder. His school is going good. He has a class called creative writing and I think I will wind up being creative about it. Isaac is still layed up. They are not sure when he will get to go back to school. I took him to physical therapy yesterday and they said that he would not be able to use the crutches until the cast came down some. They are working on getting him a wheel chair.

I have to go put groceries up. Cya later

Friday, January 19, 2007


Okay, here is an update on what has been going on.

First new weight is 357, not bad, better to go down a little than go up.

On Saturday night, my nephew Isaac had a bad wreck on a four wheeler he broke both his tibia and fibula bones in his right leg. He has a cast on up to his thigh, this was put on on Tuesday. He will be basically out of commission for 3 months. This is very sad for a 12 year old, but he has been getting in some serious ninetendo cube time.

On Thursday, my niece Jessie,(Isaac's sister) had her tonsils removed. This will hopefully stop her sleep apnea, she is only 5, plus the other surgeon apparently botched the job when he took out her adenoids and they had to remove scar tissue from that. They are going to check her hearing in 2 weeks and maybe this will give them some insight as to her learning difficulties.

Last Friday, my momma had surgery on her had, she had trigger finger and she basically only has use of one had at this point, but she helps as much as possible. I had to take her and have her surgery done at Nashville.

Jenny is fine, therapy went really well this week.

Stevie has grand ideas about being a florist. He has bought about 20 books recently and he is all set to do the whole floral and photography idea. We will see.

The last week has been very busy due to me having to assist Teresa with the kids and momma, plus take care of Stevie,

Bye for now

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wednesday, hey

Good morning,

I have decided not to join the Y at this time, I really need to walk in my living room, before I start going other places, plus if i need a treadmill I can go over to Momma's and use hers. The 4 pounds last night was nice but I must do better from now on, I know I can easily put that right back on in no time, like one day. I thought about joining, Weight Watchers again, and then I thought about LA Weight Loss, but for both of them, I know how to lose the weight, I just have wanted to. I have to do it myself this time. Jenny's in the bathtub and I need to check on her.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Well my new official weight is 358. 4 pounds in a week is not bad. I will weigh every Tuesday. Stevie and I finished before 9:30 tonight so that was an improvement. Jenny is asleep and I will I will go to


It's Cold and I hate Vegetables!!!

It is COLD TODAY, burrrrr. But anway, Stevie and I came up with a compromise on me babysitting, so that is better.

I having been trying to eat vegetables today and I think I would whether go on a liquid diet of oatmeal than eat them. I bought a juicer so I am going to try to make a veggie drink and get them that way. OTHER WISE, BLEECHHHHH.

Jenny has been fighting sleep most of the day and she finally went to sleep.

We are thinking of joining the Y but I am not sure, it will cost $89 for both Stevie and I, I really like the thought of getting to do water aberbics, but I am also thinking about joining Curves also. We will see

I will do an official weigh in tonight and will update you later. This is the first "official weigh in". I my beginning weight was exactly 362, so will we see what tonight brings. Wish me luck

Sunday, January 7, 2007

I feel better today

Good morning,

I feel better today. Momma said that Isaac had a really good birthday party and his friends showed up, so that made me feel really good. It is raining like cats and dogs this morning and water ran under the kitchen door, but not too bad, I haven't looked outside yet, but I am sure it will look like a mud pit. I will take this any day over snow. Jenny is doing pretty good today and Stevie is still asleep. I don't know what time he came to bed. He was up past midnight. I am working on drinking water. I am now going to look for a recipe for a good vegetable soup.

Saturday, January 6, 2007


Hello everybody,

I have found an awesome new website it is

This woman is a true inspiration and I am going to try to read more of her story

Friday, January 5, 2007


good morning,

All is quite for now. Jenny is in the tub and Stevie is asleep. Will type more later

Thursday, January 4, 2007


That is how I feel today. Just blahh. Of course mr. schizo doesn't acts like nothing happened. He woke up as usual and has the gawl to tell me I am not acting myself today. YA THINK!!! I just told him I was tired. He seemed to by that, he is happy now that he heard me call Teresa and tell I could no longer watch the kids. Momma said she was calling day cares to find Jessie a place and I guess the boys will stay in a after school program. Stevie doesn't know it, but that was the absolute last straw. I officially give up on us. I am now making plans, it might take a while, but I now realize what I have to do.

Hope to write more after cleaning tonight.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Babysitting all day today.


I have no idea why I volunteered to do this.!!!! I will be in the funny farm before they go home. Don't get me wrong, they are great kids, but when you are not used to them. AGGHHH I want to crawl under a rock some where.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone. I went to bed last night about 11 and then Jenny woke up about 2:00 this morning, Stevie was still up but then at 2:30, he wanted to go to bed and she didn't so I got up. She has now went back to sleep, but now I am wide a wake.

Diet update, it has been over a week since I bought a 2 liter of diet coke. That is an accomplishment I can assure you. I think, as of this week, no more carbonated drinks will be bought for the house. If Stevie wants his diet Dr. Pepper that's fine, because I will never drink it, blechhh. But I am not even going to by Sprite of the Big K version anymore. I tackled the massive amount of paperwork on my desk yesterday and I think I will start on it again, since I am awake.