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Tuesday, January 9, 2007

It's Cold and I hate Vegetables!!!

It is COLD TODAY, burrrrr. But anway, Stevie and I came up with a compromise on me babysitting, so that is better.

I having been trying to eat vegetables today and I think I would whether go on a liquid diet of oatmeal than eat them. I bought a juicer so I am going to try to make a veggie drink and get them that way. OTHER WISE, BLEECHHHHH.

Jenny has been fighting sleep most of the day and she finally went to sleep.

We are thinking of joining the Y but I am not sure, it will cost $89 for both Stevie and I, I really like the thought of getting to do water aberbics, but I am also thinking about joining Curves also. We will see

I will do an official weigh in tonight and will update you later. This is the first "official weigh in". I my beginning weight was exactly 362, so will we see what tonight brings. Wish me luck

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