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Friday, January 19, 2007


Okay, here is an update on what has been going on.

First new weight is 357, not bad, better to go down a little than go up.

On Saturday night, my nephew Isaac had a bad wreck on a four wheeler he broke both his tibia and fibula bones in his right leg. He has a cast on up to his thigh, this was put on on Tuesday. He will be basically out of commission for 3 months. This is very sad for a 12 year old, but he has been getting in some serious ninetendo cube time.

On Thursday, my niece Jessie,(Isaac's sister) had her tonsils removed. This will hopefully stop her sleep apnea, she is only 5, plus the other surgeon apparently botched the job when he took out her adenoids and they had to remove scar tissue from that. They are going to check her hearing in 2 weeks and maybe this will give them some insight as to her learning difficulties.

Last Friday, my momma had surgery on her had, she had trigger finger and she basically only has use of one had at this point, but she helps as much as possible. I had to take her and have her surgery done at Nashville.

Jenny is fine, therapy went really well this week.

Stevie has grand ideas about being a florist. He has bought about 20 books recently and he is all set to do the whole floral and photography idea. We will see.

The last week has been very busy due to me having to assist Teresa with the kids and momma, plus take care of Stevie,

Bye for now

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