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Sunday, February 4, 2007

Super Bowl Sunday


I know it has been forever, I just have alot of mixed feelings going on. On the weight I am down to 352. I hope to be in the 340s this week!!!! Stevie is still Stevie. He went to Michaels and bought some really neat stuff. Jenny is taking great strides in walking. It is really exciting. She should be walking by herself hopefully in the next month or so. Nothing has really changed. Still cleaning at night and listening to Stevie during the day. I did get my new family tree software and I have been working on that. That is really exciting.

In regards to my weight. They have been talking on TV about heart disease and sometimes I wonder if i have screwed my body so bad that there is no hope. I used to be scared of death and within the last week it just doesn't bother me at all. I really don't understand. I am loosing weight, but I wonder if it is too little to late. I really don't know.

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