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Saturday, February 17, 2007

It's been a while


I know it has been a while, but nothing much has changed. I now weigh 355 that is good news. Jenny is great and Stevie is still Stevie.

Isaac gets his big cast off in 2 weeks. He is really doing better.

I watched Dr. Phil yesterday and it was about obesity, normally I avoid these programs like the plague, but yesterday I watched and he said something that really stuck. He sai to loose the amount of weight needed you have to literally change your life and I had never thought about that before. I guess it was like a light bulb went off that not only am I going to have to stop eating so much I am going to have to actually get off my butt and move. I have about 10 excersie videos, all unopened that I am going to have use. I have to lose weight or I am gonig to die. I think I really depressed and in a funk but I am not sure what to do about it. Actually I know what I have to do. It is called get off my butt and move. So we will see how this new week goes.

That's all for now

1 comment:

Miss Itchy Nose said...

Hey Leslie,

We need to get together soon. I was thinking that maybe you could come down here with Jenny, without Stevie, and we could go out to eat or something. I miss you!!! :(

Love ya,