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Monday, March 12, 2007


AGGGHHHH, it has been too long

First a weight update. I am now 353, it would be nice to get in the 40s this week. The progress is slow, but still progress

Nothing much has changed. Jenny has a speech/cognitive evaluation tomorrow. She is still not walking, but we are getting closer. She now climbs on everything!!! It is awesome to see her develop into a little person. She is the most perfect thing in my life. If I had to retrace all life steps, no matter how bad to still get Jenny I would do it without even thinking. She is worth every tear cried, every hurt emotion, every moment of physical pain I have ever had, she is absolutely priceless. That is why I have to fix myself to make certain I can take care of her.

Nothing else matters, not even Stevie. He still acts a 15 year old. When we first met that was a cute quality, he was very child like and I could basically play house, he was my child. But now I have a child and I am not going to raise him anymore. His teenage behavior is now ridculous for someone his age and he will have to grow up some day.

Isaac got his big cast off. He now has a short one. It is below his knee. He has to wear it for another 6 weeks. But he should be well soon.

I will make an effort to write more often.
Bye for now!!!

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