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Saturday, December 23, 2006

2 days before Christmas


Sorry I have not written in a couple of days it has been hectic. Stevie now wants to go back to doing gift baskets, floral and possible sell spa items. I really believe that he hates his janitorial work. He says it does not give him an artistic out lit.

My nephew Aaron spent Wednesday and Thursday with us and went home Friday morning. I will probably being paying for his therapy for years. Stevie gripes about everything and lots of things he shouldn't in front of the kids. He talks about how he doesn't want me watching Teresa's kids in the afternoon anymore and claims that gives us a late start cleaning, but there is no reason why he can't start sooner by himself at the most he would be alone for an hour. He then states that his mother is angry that I am watching the kids, because we now don't get started cleaning to late and we are late getting back. What she doesn't know is that on the days we have been really late, her son has been shopping, but of course he does not tell her that and let's me take all of the blame. She never tells me this stuff, she apparently tells Stevie. When we dropped Jenny off on Thursday night, he came out the car just angry talking about I had to stop watching Teresa's kids and I was the reason he was getting jumped and poor Aaron was in the back seat hearing all of this (he is one of Teresa's kids) and then Stevie gripes about how he doesn't have any money and before we clean all of our buildings, he goes to the game stop and spends $165 on games. I gave Teresa a brief explanation of what happened and assured her that I would continue to watch her children. She has not paid me yet, but I told her she could wait until after Christmas, to me it is not the end of the world, but Stevie has been screaming about everything lately. He woke up this morning and stated I was asinine because I had put Jenny's clothes in the dresser drawer. I really believe he is loosing it.

Everybody is taking a nap, I am going to haul the trash off and get some tape so that I can wrap gifts.

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