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Thursday, December 28, 2006

Stevie Rant


Almost the entire time we cleaned tonight Stevie ranted about something. He states that he is in a creative box and he does not understand why I can't see that. He says he will die if he does not get out of the box. He says he doesn't want people to say when he dies that he cleaned a toilet really well. I told him that my nephews will just remember how angry he was all of the time. He said that if they were locked in their room all weekend, and not being allowed to leave, that they would be angry to. Because that is how he feels about being in his "box". He states that the only reason he started the janitor business is because that is the only business his family would support him on. He states it bores him to tears, that he has no creative out lit, it is strangling him. He wants a studio, so that he can be creative. I explained that before he can have a studio, he must get on a budget so that we can afford the house and building. He said he didn't understand how I could so unaffected by the lack of creativity. I explained that I had to be practical, he then said that we must break the practical bone so that I could be creative. Apparently the thought of a budget scares the sh&t out of him He states the he is so depressed, his life is bad, his sex life is boring and he cannot be creative. I have no idea what to tell him. Unless he goes by a budget then he is just plain stuck and telling him that is like giving a kid a shot. He also stated that he wanted to make enough money to buy all of his "toys", so I ask him how much would that take and he said he wasn't sure. He also wanted me to fill out a credit application so that he could see about buying a wood master (it is some kind of wood shop machinery). 1. I have no independent income. 2. I don't want it dinging my credit and 3. He has NO PLACE to put the thing if he did buy it!!!!!

He is truly driving me nuts and then I have to hear how Tony's wife supports him in everything he does. Tony has a few hobbies, art (I support most of Stevie's art work), guns (I support Stevie's gun hobby as much as possible) and sex with anyone he wants and he brings them home and Tony's wife doesn't care. Stevie has stated that he doesn't want to bring anyone home, he doesn't want Tony's lifestyle (Tony and Molly work a swingers club), but he wishes that I would support him more. I have NO IDEA WHAT HE WANTS FROM ME. I clean his toilets, because that is the job he chose, and I really think he needs to get over himself. I better go for now. I am going to make and effort to still post everyday.
good night

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