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Monday, December 11, 2006

I am tired of being fat

Oh my gosh. I have never posted to anything like this before, but I have to get somethings off of my chest. I am over 350 pounds and I have been fat as long as i can remember and i am tired of it. I just joined the biggest loser club and I feel pretty good about it today, but of course i have started 100s of diets and not finished anything. I think that is my problem. I never finish anything and I am tired of it. I love my daughter and I want to see her grow up. I am tired of avoidning everday things because my butt is too BIG. I am just sick. I am being realistic that getting through the holidays will be hard, but come Jan. 1st I will not buy any more cokes!!! Drinking more water has to be my first priority.

I will post more later, i am trying to babysit and start this too and it is not working so well.

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