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Thursday, December 14, 2006


Mom wasn't home, so I met Stevie at the Post office. I told him I wanted to eat as Las Palmas. He was all for eating Mexican. I that I was not interested in the whole spa idea and he said good, he really didn't want to go back to school to learn it anyway.

I told him I thought he should complete all of his photography classes (he had thought about just taking about 3 more and quitting) he said he would really like to get his degree. I really hope he finds what makes him happy. He was great with that. I took him by his school and they told him they still don't have his schedule yet. He can't take any night classes this time due to the amount of work he has with the janitorial now. He is hoping that they can work the schedule out. He really does not want to take photo journalism, creative writing or sports photography (he knows nothing about sports and has no desire to learn) but I told him that if he wanted to be a welled rounded photographer he needed that experience. He agree, but again it depends on the schedule

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